Federal funding drives delivery of Lakelands Station - METRONET


Federal funding drives delivery of Lakelands Station

  • 20 November 2019

Residents north of Mandurah will benefit from a new Mandurah Line station at Lakelands.

After a thorough assessment, both Karnup and Lakelands were identified as viable places for the new Mandurah Line station. With the Federal Government contributing 80 per cent of the funding for a Lakelands Station, this was deemed the best value for money option.

The station, located on land specially set aside when the Mandurah Line was built, will have access off Lake Valley Drive and include a car park, drop-off area, bus interchange and lockable cycling storage.

With an estimated 2,300 daily boardings by 2023, increasing to 3,500 in 2031, the project includes upgrades to parts of Lake Valley Drive to allow for the extra traffic movements.

The McGowan Government remains committed to a station at Karnup and an adjusted timeframe will be confirmed once the final project definition phase of the business case is complete.Procurement for Lakelands Station will begin in 2020 with construction expected to start in 2021 and the station to be operational in 2023.

We want to hear what’s important to you, including landscaping and public art for the Lakelands Station. Have your say by completing our five-minute community survey here: https://www.mysaytransport.wa.gov.au/lakelands-station

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*Article updated (December 2019) to reflect latest project information.

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