State Budget delivers continued METRONET investment - METRONET


State Budget delivers continued METRONET investment

  • 11 May 2023

Today’s State Budget has delivered continued investment in the transformational METRONET Program. 

The budget includes $5.9 billion for METRONET, including delivery, and investments in 2023-24 of the:
•    Morley-Ellenbrook Line, with $620 million
•    New Bayswater Station, with $83 million
•    Yanchep Rail Extension, with $318 million
•    Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal, with $467 million
•    Thornlie-Cockburn Link, with $220 million 
•    Byford Rail Extension, with $333 million.

The METRONET investment in the 2023-24 State Budget will see a significant expansion of Perth’s passenger rail network which includes 23 new stations, removal of 16 level crossings and 72 kilometres of new rail.

The investment also boosts local manufacturing and jobs through the delivery of locally built and manufactured C-series railcars with the first C-series train beginning operations later this year.

When they begin operating, the C-series will run along Joondalup and Mandurah lines and then further north along the Yanchep Rail Extension once complete, which is due for completion at the end of 2023, with services commencing in the new year.

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