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2019 was a huge year for METRONET with a number of major milestones had.
It’s official – the contract with NEWest Alliance was signed today to build 32 kilometres of additional rail to Perth’s network, as early works started on the Thornlie-Cockburn Link.
The preferred alliance to construct both the Yanchep Rail Extension and Thornlie-Cockburn Link is NEWest Alliance.
METRONET made its debut at the 2019 Perth Royal Show giving show goers a glimpse inside the Forrestfield-Airport Link tunnels and information on all other projects.
Come and see us at this year's Perth Royal Show. We'll be in the Robinson Pavilion at Stands 23 & 24.
Construction has begun on upgrades to the Karel Avenue and Roe Highway interchange, including widening and lengthening the Karel Avenue bridge.
Since nominations opened in late May, over 250 community members applied to be part of one of four METRONET Project Community Reference Groups.
Main Roads have awarded the Design and Construction contract to upgrade the Roe Highway and Karel Avenue interchange, including widening Karel Avenue bridge.
The Public Transport Authority as part of METRONET is establishing four Community Reference Groups (CRG’s) for the Thornlie-Cockburn Link, Yanchep Rail Extension and Denny Avenue Level Crossing Removal projects.
Another exciting milestone has been reached for the Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Yanchep Rail Extension with METROconnex and NEWest announced as the shortlisted consortia to build the two major METRONET projects.
National advisory body Infrastructure Australia has recognised three key METRONET projects as having national significance in its 2019 Infrastructure Priority List.
Work to find out what is below the ground across three METRONET projects is well underway.
Building the Yanchep Rail Extension and Thornlie-Cockburn Link is one step closer after legislation was passed by both houses of State Parliament last week.
Commonwealth funding for the next two METRONET Projects has been secured after completing the thorough Infrastructure Australia process.
Construction companies can now tender for the Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Yanchep Rail Extension projects with the release of a Request for Proposal today.
During July and August, the project team was out in the community hosting drop-in sessions to answer your questions about the Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Yanchep Rail Extension.
For further information on train and bus services, head to the Transperth website.