Close to 60,000! That’s the number of recycled blocks used so far to build the retaining walls along the rail corridor of the METRONET Yanchep Rail Extension.

Manufactured locally, the blocks are made from recycled materials and natural limestone and are an example of how we're incorporating more sustainable materials and practices during the project to improve resource efficiency and work towards a more circular economy.
“By using recycled blocks we’ve diverted almost 5,718 tonnes of recycled material from landfill, and we will continue to look at ways to minimise our impact on the environment across the project,” Environment Manager Colin Steadman explained.
Two kinds of recycled blocks are being used—grey ‘Enviro’ blocks that are 100 per cent recycled and used for the internal retaining wall structure, and reconstituted crème limestone blocks for the outer facing. Both types have also been used to build walls in Eglinton, Butler south of Santorini Promenade, Alkimos south of Alkimos Drive and areas near Howden Parade Bridge.
“The sustainable blocks developed by local supplier Limestone Building Blocks Company ensure raw materials go further and incorporating them into the construction of the project helps leave a smaller environmental footprint,” Project Manager Stephen Nicolay said.
The METRONET Sustainability Strategy aligns with local, national and international regulations, initiatives and schemes, ensuring industry best practices are followed.