Standard work hours are Monday to Saturday, 7am–7pm, and any out-of-hours works are indicated below. All works will follow approved noise and traffic management plans, and every effort will be made to minimise impacts. For questions about project works, please email or call the METRONET Info Line 24/7 on 9326 3666.
Out-of-hours works will be conducted at Alkimos, Eglinton and Yanchep stations, precincts, within the rail corridor and outside in surrounding areas, and at stockpiles from Monday to Sunday, 7pm – 7am until October 2024. Works include various rail completion and testing works, finishing works including landscaping, placement of topsoil and mulch, road works involving asphalting, kerbing, sealing and completing road, footpaths, access ways and car parks, preparation of shared paths, minor civils works, installation of signage, barriers and fencing, and earthmoving. There may be an increase in noise and vibration, heavy plant and equipment, and light vehicle traffic in areas including the use of residential streets. All works will follow approved noise and out-of-hours management plans and regular water carts will be operating to manage dust. There may be intermittent lane and road closures to facilitate works.
Lane Closure - Yanchep Beach Road
Intermittent lane closures to the west and east bound lanes on Yanchep Beach Road are expected to continue until late October 2024. Speed will be reduced and traffic management in place. Closures will facilitate completion works to the bus stop, road, footpath, verge and may also include utility, barrier, signage and fencing finishing works.
There may be an increase in odour, dust, noise and vibration. Water carts and street sweepers will be deployed to minimise dust when required.
Yanchep Beach Road (ongoing)
Intermittent lane closures to the west and east bound lanes on Yanchep Beach Road are expected to continue until late October 2024. Speed will be reduced and traffic management in place. Closures will facilitate completion works to the bus stop, road, footpath, verge and may also include utility, barrier, signage and fencing finishing works.
There may be an increase in odour, dust, noise and vibration. Water carts and street sweepers will be deployed to minimise dust when required.
Booderee Road (ongoing)
The left turn movement into Booderee Road off Yanchep Beach Road will be closed off to enable the construction / path repair on the Pedestrian path to Yanchep Beach Road. The lane will be closed on various days until end of October 2024.