Standard work hours are Monday to Saturday, 7am-7pm, and any out-of-hours works are indicated below. All works will follow approved noise and traffic management plans, and every effort will be made to minimise impacts. For questions about project works, please email or call 9326 3666.
Partial closure of Railway Parade between Marion Street to 70 Railway Parade
Monday 9 September to Sunday 8 December 2024 – dates may be subject to change
Railway Parade will be closed for road re-surfacing works between Marion Street to 70 Railway Parade and detours will be in place.
- excavation
- roadworks including removing existing asphalt and pavement construction
- drainage, kerbing, streetlighting
- access for pedestrians will be maintained
- detours and traffic management will be in place
- intermittent machinery noise
- increased truck and light vehicle movements
- noise and dust will be managed
- please note dates are subject to change due to weather and unforeseen circumstances.
Multi-storey car park (until late-2024)
- intermittent works between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday (adjacent businesses and residents will be advised of any out-of-hours works).
- traffic management and lane closures may be required during deliveries of large building components and machinery, but every effort will be made to keep roads open.
- impacts to station parking during works. parking has been reduced from 740 bays to approximately 190 bays.
- vibrations, noise, and dust will be managed
Out-of-hours works for crane removal are required at the multi-storey car park site on the following dates:
- Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September, between 6am and 5pm
What to expect:
- Removing the tower crane
- Scheduled on the weekend when Victoria Street traffic is reduced
- Equipment operation including light trucks, vehicles, semi-trailers, 300-tonne crane and forklift
Out-of-hours works for protection screen removal are required at the multi-storey car park site on the following dates:
Friday 13 to Sunday 15 September, between 7pm and 5am
What to expect:
- Equipment operation including light trucks, vehicles, forklift and light towers
Rail Corridor - out of hours works
What to expect:
- removing redundant pits and conduits along the main cable route within the rail corridor, and regional line undertrack works
- Carrying out some works at night in this congested area to improve safety for workers.
Out-of-hours works:
Out-of-hours works are required in the rail corridor between the following dates:
- Sunday 1 to Monday 30 September between 7pm and 6am
General works on multi-storey car park - 6am start
- works on site will begin at 6am and finish at 5pm from Monday to Saturday
- every effort will be made to minimise the use of machinery and equipment between 6am and 7am
Rail corridor
- intermittent works in and around the rail corridor between 7am and 7pm, monday to saturday (adjacent businesses and residents will be advised of any out-of-hours works).
- heavy machinery, equipment and workers accessing the area
- temporary road and path closures may be required to bring equipment to site
- vibrations, noise, and dust will be managed.
Temporary closure of the Cale Street level crossing – 1- 8 October 2024 – Dates may be subject to change
The Cale Street level crossing will be closed for essential track works on the freight line from 6.00am on Tuesday 1 October to 6.00pm Tuesday 8 October 2024.
What to expect:
- There will be no vehicle or pedestrian access at the Cale Street crossing during the closure.
- Alternative access for vehicles is available via Lloyd Street or Morrison Road. An alternative pedestrian crossing is available at Morrison Road. Additionally, Bus Route 301, which runs between Midland Station and St John of God Hospital, includes new stops along Yelverton Drive and provides north/south access.
- Operation of trucks, light vehicles, excavators, graders, compactors, light towers and rail construction equipment
- Out-of-hours works are required during the closure to minimise the duration of the closure.