Midland’s historic English Oak on the move - METRONET


Midland’s historic English Oak on the move

  • 2 May 2024

Moving homes is rarely a quick and easy exercise and for Midland’s 115-year-old English Oak tree, it’s been a lengthy 18-month process but one that’s been done with the utmost of care.  

Preparation for the big move started back in August 2022 when a trench was dug around the English Oak and the roots were trimmed. The trench was back filled with clean loose soil to encourage the growth of new feeder roots and the tree was closely monitored until moving day on 17 April 2024.

It’s no easy feat moving a 50-tonne tree (the weight of about seven elephants) and all care was taken with giant slings placed under the trunk in several locations to support the tree’s weight as it was lifted onto a flatbed truck.

The precious cargo was then slowly transported to its new home in a future pocket park, just east of its former home on Railway Parade.

The tree was relocated to make way for the METRONET New Midland Station Project that will bring the station closer to the heart of the Midland Town Centre, improve connections to Midland Gate Shopping Centre and Midland Health Campus, and enhance work opportunities and community life in the area.

The tall English beauty will now be monitored for the next 12-18 months to ensure it thrives in its new environment.

Did you know - the old English Oak not only holds botanical significance, it’s also a tangible historical link marking the spot where the Midland Junction Railway Station stood from 1896 to 1968.

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