Loyal local advocates for Byford community - METRONET


Loyal local advocates for Byford community

  • 21 November 2023

“I wanted to join the Byford Community Reference Group to share my local knowledge with the project team and advocate for saving trees and incorporating historic photos into the project design.”

These are the words of long-term Byford resident Colleen Rankin – a loyal local ambassador committed to making a positive contribution to the Byford community and to her role as a member of one of two Byford Rail Extension Community Reference Groups.

Having lived in Byford with her partner, Frank for over 44 years, Colleen has embedded herself in the community and believes the Byford Rail Extension Project will give people more employment opportunities, accessibility, and independence.

The two reference groups set up late last year are essential in representing the interests and views of the Armadale and Byford communities, and helping the project team identify local opportunities and issues, and share project information with the wider community.

“I am passionate about preserving the history of the area and believe that engaging the local community in story-telling and using these stories to influence public art for the station will instil a sense of local pride and contribute to reduced vandalism,” Colleen explained.

Colleen has previously been a member of the Armadale Senior High School Council and is currently a member of Landcare Serpentine Jarrahdale, Byford & District Country Club, Activate Byford, and the Byford Progress Association where she has been President for the past 19 years. Colleen is very proud of publishing ‘Byford – A Pictorial History (1903 – 2002)’ which delves into the rich history of Byford through pictures, and successfully lobbying the State Government to build an additional school in the area. The Byford Rail Extension Community Reference Groups were carefully selected to ensure a broad and diverse cross-section of the community is represented and each group meets throughout the year to provide valuable community feedback.

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