Bayswater Station Design drop in sessions - METRONET


Bayswater Station Design drop in sessions

  • 25 January 2019

Our Bayswater Station Upgrade drop in sessions took place on December 11 and January 19 with more than 280 community members join us to learn more about the project and provide their feedback. 

The Bayswater Station design is the result of the most extensive community consultation ever in Perth for a station redevelopment. A key focus in developing the design has been to balance community needs and wants, meet operational needs and create an environment that supports future investment in the Bayswater area.

Feedback from the drop-in sessions regarding the upgrade concept design was balanced with community members generally supportive but keen to know answers about traffic flow as the project progresses. Below is a summary of the most common queries the METRONET team received. 


Many community members queried the removal of the two passenger car parks along Whatley Crescent. These car parking bays will be relocated to Meltham and Ashfield stations so Bayswater Station can be relocated south-west of its current location. Meltham and Ashfield stations will also become all stop stations.

Town centre parking was also raised and while the broader town centre parking is outside the scope of the project, METRONET are working closely with the City of Bayswater who will complete a town centre parking strategy.


How the new traffic flow would be managed in the local roads outside the immediate town centre was also discussed in depth. Many residents queried the implications of traffic turning right from Olfe Street into King William Street and turning right from Slade and Anzac streets into Guildford Road. More traffic modelling will be conducted in the next phase when more detailed road designs are completed to understand the impact of traffic volumes and movement.

Road changes

With Whatley Crescent west to connect to Beechboro Road instead of continuing east, residents who live east of Hamilton st expressed their concern as it will change the way they access their home and the local shops. The potential impact on the local shops on Whatley Crescent was also raised. Industry advice suggests that bringing more cars past the shop fronts is likely to increase investment in the area.

Station design

Community feedback regarding the station design was positive, acknowledging that the end product may differ from the artist’s impressions shown. There was general support for the overall treatment and design of the station, although a few people expressed their preference for the station façade to be more heritage focused.

Leake Street underpass

The Leake Street underpass upgrade was received positively with community members feeling it will be safer. The construction of this underpass to be carried out in school holidays to reduce the impacts to school children who use it was raised.

Noise and vibration

While many community members welcome five minutes services and all trains stopping at Meltham and Ashfield stations, other residents near the project site raised questions about noise and vibration from the additional train operations. Modelling and monitoring will be conducted in 2019 to identify what, if any, mitigation is required.

Community members requested that any removed trees be replaced. The PTA will work with the City of Bayswater to ensure environmental standards are met.

Next Steps

METRONET and PTA will continue working closely with the City of Bayswater to address points raised by the community during the consultation process.The project is now progressing into the procurement phase to find a contractor by late 2019 to progress the design and build the station and its supporting infrastructure. During this time opportunities for engagement will be limited, but we will keep the community updated on any progress.

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For further information on train and bus services, head to the Transperth website.

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