Yanchep Rail Extension - METRONET

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Station themes embed connection to place

Station themes embed connection to place

Noongar cultural references are central to the overall design theme for the new Yanchep, Eglinton and Alkimos stations.

Eight months of milestones for Yanchep Rail Extension

Eight months of milestones for Yanchep Rail Extension

In the eight months since major works kicked off the Yanchep Rail Extension many a milestone has been achieved. 

Public art takes centre stage at Alkimos Central

Public art takes centre stage at Alkimos Central

A major new public artwork by Noongar artist Sharyn Egan has been unveiled, developed in collaboration with 150 local school children.

Local Aboriginal businesses delivering METRONET projects

Local Aboriginal businesses delivering METRONET projects

Contracts worth more than $7 million have been awarded to a diverse array of Aboriginal businesses across the Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Yanchep Rail Extension projects by NEWest Alliance. 

Going out with a bang

Going out with a bang

2019 was a huge year for METRONET with a number of major milestones had.

Major contract signed

Major contract signed

It’s official – the contract with NEWest Alliance was signed today to build 32 kilometres of additional rail to Perth’s network, as early works started on the Thornlie-Cockburn Link.

First shovel hits the ground for Yanchep Rail Extension

First shovel hits the ground for Yanchep Rail Extension

One shovel done, a lot more to go with works starting on the Yanchep Rail Extension.

NEWest Alliance to build two METRONET projects

NEWest Alliance to build two METRONET projects

The preferred alliance to construct both the Yanchep Rail Extension and Thornlie-Cockburn Link is NEWest Alliance. 

Rail sought since 1901

Rail sought since 1901

Did you know the State Government has considered building a rail line to Yanchep in as early as 1901?

Help shape the future Alkimos Central

Help shape the future Alkimos Central

The Yanchep Rail Extension is a forward-thinking project that invests in transport infrastructure first, with new communities growing around each of the three new stations.

What a Show!

What a Show!

METRONET made its debut at the 2019 Perth Royal Show giving show goers a glimpse inside the Forrestfield-Airport Link tunnels and information on all other projects.

The major feat happening beneath your feet!

The major feat happening beneath your feet!

Come and see us at this year's Perth Royal Show. We'll be in the Robinson Pavilion at Stands 23 & 24. 

Great response to Community Reference Group nominations

Great response to Community Reference Group nominations

Since nominations opened in late May, over 250 community members applied to be part of one of four METRONET Project Community Reference Groups.

Yanchep seed collection for the future

Yanchep seed collection for the future

While the Yanchep Rail Extension awaits the appointment of its major contractor, our environmental team have been busy collecting seeds, from native flora within the rail corridor.

Nominations open for Community Reference Groups on METRONET projects.

Nominations open for Community Reference Groups on METRONET projects.

The Public Transport Authority as part of METRONET is establishing four Community Reference Groups (CRG’s) for the Thornlie-Cockburn Link, Yanchep Rail Extension and Denny Avenue Level Crossing Removal projects.

Yanchep Rail Extension: Part 2 – Eglinton to Yanchep Public Environmental Review

Yanchep Rail Extension: Part 2 – Eglinton to Yanchep Public Environmental Review

Progress continues on the Yanchep Rail Extension as the Public Transport Authority (PTA) has submitted the Yanchep Rail Extension: Part 2 – Eglinton to Yanchep Public Environmental Review. 


For further information on train and bus services, head to the Transperth website.

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